A Pirates's Life for me! Dolce Vita

Apologia pro vita sua (explanation for my seemingly self-indulgent life on this blog)
Jesus is our prophet, our priest and our king- and calls us to be too, representing God to the world, interceding for others, and leading by example. But when you're a bit of a rouge, you've got little choice but to weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen without the benefit of letters of Marque as a corsair, don't ya?!
I feel like Christianity has been Shanghaied by people who say they love Jesus, but act more like disciples of Machiavelli.

Over the years I've seem many young people's faith lives nearly shipwrecked because their political and social values were deemed unacceptable by older members of the established church community. I want them to know that Not all Christians think and vote the same and that Jesus loves liberals, moderates, and conservatives all the same.

It is also important to me that Christians don't exclude other Christians from God's family because they don't see eye-to-eye on ever issue of non primary-fundamental-doctrine. And it is very important to me that even the most staunchly conservative Christians think, examine, and reflect on what they think they know and say they believe so that they can explain it and share it and don't just define themselves by identifying with it arbitrarily.

So, like Luther posted his 95 Theses on the church door in order to incite critical thinking and provoke discussion and debate about the hypocrisies of the church in his time- I started posting things here that may challenge Christians to question their motivations and positions on things in our society and politics.

When I read Jesus' words, especially in Matthew 5 and Luke 6, I see something radically different than what televangelists, radio prophets and Republican politicians are espousing. Scurvy, bilge-sucking, sons of biscuit-eaters!

This all makes me feel like a mutant, a freak, and an outcast. Conservative Christians fear for my eternal salvation whereas secular liberals see me as part of the problem and not the solution. So in the so-called "culture wars" I'm caught in the cross-fire because I think that both sides are wrong and neither side wants to hear it. Sometimes it feels like I'm constantly getting Keelhauled.

Me ka pule, me hearties!