Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Advent in a Crumbling Empire, Sojourners Magazine/December 2010

Advent in a Crumbling Empire, Sojourners Magazine/December 2010:

"in Advent we dare to hope. Advent leads to Christmas. At Christmas we celebrate a baby who became a political refugee, grew up to preach God's love, and was executed as a rebel. His life was a failure, his followers scattered, his hope for a new community dust. And then it all turned around. Our Advent hope is this: All empires are under judgment. Out of death comes life. God's will is shalom. The one who loses life will save it.

The manger leads to the cross, to the empty tomb, to the upper room. And the upper room becomes an empty room when the Spirit fills us so that we too are transformed and offer our lives in love for others."

Bby Shelley Douglass, who lives and works at Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker community in Birmingham, Alabama."

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