Friday, September 07, 2007


I talked to Tyler tonight. He said you were "in-country."

I'm praying for ya.

Keep a level head. Especially if that means keeping your opinions to yourself. That way life will go more smoothly. Talk to NIGHTLINE or Bill Moyers or whoever you want once you get home, but you have to get home in one piece to do that. Army is just like playing football, there's going to be a few smart guys who want to win and a lot of dumb ones that just want to break things.

Try your best to not piss them off and you'll make it through okay. Don't let them piss you off and lose your temper, you're smarter than that. When in doubt, go to a Chaplain, memorize some prayer or psalm or something and repeat it to yourself (or to God) silently in your head all the time. Maybe that will help too.

Hang in there, only 14 more months to go. 16 more till a new Commander-in-Chief! Woo hoo! Some village in Texas will get their idiot back.

I KNOW this stuff won't get through the censors, so just know that I'm praying for ya,
Pirate Prayers at:

Ted's cartoons, artworks, photos, and commentary at:

"The gospel is meant to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~Garrison Keillor

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