Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Deadly 7

The Seven Deadly sins aren't exactly Biblical, actually they are sometimes credited to Pope Gregory the Great in the 6th century, and sometimes to the political satirist Dante in the fourteenth century.

Either way, even if you're not Catholic, they have found their way into our culture- For example, each volume of C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia illustrates the danger of one of the seven deadly sins: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe = gluttony, Prince Caspian = lust (for power), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader = greed, The Silver Chair = sloth, The Horse and His Boy = pride, The Magician's Nephew = wrath, The Last Battle = envy.

My favorite cultural reference is this, that Gilligan's Island, (1963-1967) - According to the book Inside Gilligan's Island by Sherwood Schwartz (St. Martin's Press, 1994), the creator of the show confesses that he purposely patterned the 'seven stranded castaways' after the seven deadly sins. He confesses that he didn't tell anyone until years after the show was over, because he thought that people would ridicule him for attributing such a serious theme to such a silly show (this was, however, referenced in the movie Rescue From Gilligan's Island).

Mr. Howell (the millionaire) - greed
The Professor - pride
Mrs. Lovey Howell - thoughtless excess (gluttony)
Gilligan - sloth
Ginger (the movie star) - extravagance (later lust)
The Skipper - anger (wrath)
Mary Ann - envy

Here is my prayer of confession of all 7 deadly sins:
1. Pride. Lord, I know that too often I get too full of myself. I assume that I know best and that I’m the only one who does. Forgive me when I get this way, when I’m arrogant, demand to be in control or think that I’m better than others. Help me to put others before myself, just as You did on the cross.

2. Envy. Holy Lord, Why can’t I be comfortable with who you made me to be? Why do I wish I had someone else’s body or looks? Why do I wish I had their moxy, their confidence or good favor? Other’s apparent success, the way they seem less inhibited? Forgive me, help me to know who You intended me to be and what purposes You have in mind for me.

3. Gluttony. Provider God, I don’t know why I can’t stop. I eat when I’m sad, scared, frustrated, angry, bored, lonely, just when I want to, not to mention when I’m actually hungry- which of course I never am, because I never fast long enough to become hungry. I’ve tried so many times to eat less and exercise more, I’ve tried doing it for myself, for my family, and I thought for you. But this is a bigger sin than my battle with food- like any middle class American, I am spoiled and complacent. I am not a good steward of the earth, I am selfish, materialistic and self-indulgent. Forgive me and make me satisfied with depending on You.

4. Lust. Lord God, why do I get so horny? What is the line between appreciation of what’s visually pleasing, and attraction? And between attraction and indulging in the sin of lust? Why am I so demanding of my wife? Why can’t she want me as much as I want her? Is it physiology? Am I so frustrated because of a back up of testosterone? A chemical imbalance? Please help me to avoid all the temptations on the internet and to honor You and my wife and all women as people, not as objects, help me honor you with my eyes and my thoughts.

5. Anger. Dear Jesus, I’m like a little child, I throw tantrums when I don’t get my way. I stomp my feet and complain that You and Your universe are just not fair. I lose patience with my children, I hold grudges against those who I feel hurt me, slighted me or offended me. I can’t see straight or sleep well when I think that my needs aren’t being met. What is wrong with me? I enjoy resenting those in power who make reckless and foolish decisions, I relish getting riled over things that I can never control or even effect. Pour cool water on my head, Lord, and knead my shoulders and neck. Lower my blood pressure and teach me to surrender all to You, and to be still and know that You are God.

6. Covetousness. Father God, I want a new house. I want a new laptop, all new cars- including a big huge truck with lots of options. I want a big, luxurious bathroom, huge closets and a finished basement, a hot tub and maybe an indoor pool… What kind of fool am I? I don’t even need all the things that You have already provided me. I feel jealous of people with twice my income and better health insurance coverage, I can’t understand where some people get their money or why the world seems to reward some people but while I work so hard and “play by the rules,” I don’t seem to get anywhere. Forgive me, help me to be satisfied with You, to “delight in You” so that THEN You will give me the desires of my heart (which will be being with You and serving You, duh).

7. Sloth. Lord, not only am I like Paul- the good that I would do, I don’t and the evil that I wish I wouldn’t- that’s what I do—but You know what? I don’t even do what I need to just to get by, I get paralyzed by depression, lethargy, apathy, complacency. I confess that the only freedom that I really ever want is freedom from responsibility. I want to be comfortable, safe, warm, and entertained. Help me to be disciplined and selfless. Grant me a vital work ethic and a willing, servant’s heart. Make me Your instrument and use me constantly.

All these things I ask you, in Jesus name for His sake, and by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, its your turn. This is Lent, a time for reflection and being honest with ourselves and God. Search your heart and do a 7Deadly-inventory of your own life, and confess it to God in your own way in prayer. Then, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Now, on lighter note- want to have a little fun with a non-scientific, non-spiritual, theologically incorrect quiz to tell you what your "pet sin is?" Click Here.

Remember, in his song "Bank of Bad Habits" singer/songwriter/author Jimmy Buffett sings about the Seven Deadly Sins with one addition, the "8th Deadly Sin" Pizza!

Me ka pule,
Pirate Ted

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